Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trials and tribulations of starting a blog

I'll just come right out with it - I love to write, and the urge to try blogging has been whispering in my ear and getting louder by the day. I didn't jump on the bandwagon at first, because I didn't think blogging was going anywhere. Not the first time I've been that wrong. I do need an audience to be motivated though. Since I now have a bunch of facebook friends, well here goes nothing. Let's face it, (Ha!), facebook doesn't exactly give you a lot of space for creative written expression. This is simply my invitation to you, to be entertained by, and interact with the chaos of thoughts and observations streaking through my brain. The little demon on my right shoulder has been screaming, just do it, while the demon on the left shoulder has been whispering all kinds of nasty and scary things. For quite a while, I got stuck on a name for the blog. The name, kibooki (pronounce kee boo kee), does need a little explanation. I love google, partly because it is fun to say. And who can argue with google's success? Kibooki is kind of fun to say. The name kiki is my alias in a motorcycle club. I came up with ki, as in chi, as in good energy. With the club members, it became kiki, because well, kiki is more fun to say. My husbands (Rick Jenkins) alias is boo. His nickname came from a friends (Tim Brills) daughter (Kristin) who saw him hurt himself, and make a "boo boo". So, she started calling him boo. I put our two aliases together, and got kibooki. There you have it. For now, I'm going Erma Bombeck style, with no particular destination in mind. With that, I pay tribute to some of my favorite silly fun words and rhyming phrases: Honky Tonk, Hanky Panky, Harem Scarem, blogging, google, blitz, binky, boing, bebop, super sonic, silly willy, sassafrass, pinky, super duper and the mother of them all - supercalafragalisticexpealadocious (can there really be a correct spelling of that word?). I'd consider it an honor it if you would follow along this blog. I can think of two good reasons for this. One, if I know you, I may mention you in a blog, like I did Tim, Kristin and Rick above. It'll only be good things I promise, but you might want to help keep me honest and straight. And there's the possibility you might enjoy the subject matter and adding your comments. The kinds of things that'll end up in this blog are the kinds of things that my brain gets stuck on. For instance, right now I'm thinking about how people should not ignore thier psychic abilities and how reading Psalms from the bible compares to reading modern day self help literature, a bunch of thoughts on being gay, and what heros that stay at home moms are. But all that is likely to change by the time I sit down to write again. Have a great week everyone!


  1. Lovvve your first post I agree with the psalmss and self help religin always always always confused me. For umm example why were males with god connections saints and females witches?

  2. One thing we connected on was the fact there were themes in life and this weeks themes is which scriptures were to meditate on and which were to take as of that day. Or interpretations, I should say.
    Psalms are totally that song/prayer that is like "affirmations."
    I love that you are ding this. its totally a great expression of who you are.

  3. It is great to express yourself!

  4. Thanks guys - I know what you mean Vicky, I took a World religions course at Sinclair, and wrote a whole paper on religion and feminism...
