Plant a Tree Program

2012 - It's ALL about the trees!!!
Trees - Trees - Trees

Lions World Wide Goal:
To plant One MILLION Trees between
July 2011 and July 2012:

As of Aug 22, 2011 -
209,252 Trees Planted already..

790,748 to go!!

The District Govenors Kicked it off by planting 800
trees in one day.

ONE Tree in a million
District 13J -
which includes the Following Counties:
Greene, Clinton, Highland, Bornw, Adams,
Pickaway, Ross, Pike, Scioto, Vinton, Jackson, Gallia, and Lawrence

is doing OUR part, and have pledged to plant 1400 Trees!!

Chillicothe has formed thier Tree committee.
Jamestown has 2 volunteers growing seedlings for the club.

How can we accomplish this?

Well - Here are some Ideas!!!

1. For the Dayton area - The Dayton Metro Parks has a forest foster program.
They will be planting trees in the park district and needs volunteers - Contact:
The conservation volunteer coordinator office  at Germantown Park Yvonne Dunphne , or Kevin Keplar, the volunteer coordinator at park headquarters
 Oct 21, and Oct 22, and an unset date in Spring to help plant trees, and count towards the District Lions total.
The park district  has agreed to  document the number and location Lions plant and give the information to us.

2.  Your club can make an arrangement with an institution such as a college, hospital, or community cener, to pick a day, for the club Lions to show up and plant a tree.

3.  If your club has members with green thumbs, they can find volunteer seedlings, that would normally get mowed down, and pot them, and nurture them, until ready to be planted in a proper place by the Lions members.

4.  For clubs with no green thumbs, The Arbor Day Foundataion will plant 10 trees for every $10 sent to them.

5.  Work with a school, or scout troop for an Earth Day or Arbor Day project to plant trees.